NHSPI_domains_subdomains: 3270

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rowid obsid Year Item Name Item Type Item Status Relevant Domain Relevant Subdomain Item Name Item Description National_score Upper CI Lower CI State State_score
3270   2013 MMMDD Subdomain Active CM MMMDD Medical Materiel Management, Distribution, & Dispensing The ability to acquire, maintain (e.g., cold chain storage or other storage protocol), transport, distribute, and track medical materiel (e.g., pharmaceuticals, gloves, masks, and ventilators) before and during an incident and recover and account for unused medical materiel after an incident. This capability includes managing the research, development, and procurement of medical countermeasures in addition to the management and distribution of medical countermeasures. 4.800000191 5.34 4.2700000000000005 MD 4.800000000000001