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Suggested facets: obsid, Year, Item Type, Relevant Subdomain, Item Name

Link rowid ▼ obsid Year Item Name Item Type Item Status Relevant Domain Relevant Subdomain Item Name Item Description National_score Upper CI Lower CI State State_score
1 0.0 2018 overall   Active     Overall Index NHSPI Index 6.699999809 6.8100000000000005 6.55 AK 5.9
2 1.0 2018 HSS Domain Active HSS HSS Health Security Surveillance Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly. 8.300000191 8.56 8.040000000000001 AK 8.9
3 2.0 2018 PHSEI Subdomain Active HSS PHSEI Health Surveillance & Epidemiological Investigation The creation, maintenance, support, and strengthening of passive and active surveillance to: identify, discover, locate, and monitor threats, disease agents, incidents, and outbreaks provide relevant information to stakeholders monitoring/investigating adverse events related to medical countermeasures. The sub-domain includes the ability to successfully expand these systems and processes in response to incidents of health significance. 7.199999809 7.76 6.69 AK 8.200000000000001
4 16.0 2018 BMLT Subdomain Active HSS BMLT Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing. 8.399999619 8.69 8.05 AK 8.8
5 39.0 2018 CPE Domain Active CPE CPE Community Planning & Engagement Coordination Actions to develop and maintain supportive relationships among government agencies, community organizations, and individual households; and to develop shared plans for responding to disasters and emergencies. 4.900000095 5.2 4.62 AK 4.1000000000000005
6 40.0 2018 CSCC Subdomain Active CPE CSCC Cross-Sector / Community Collaboration The coordination necessary to engage community-based organizations and social networks through collaboration among agencies primarily responsible for providing direct health-related services; partners include public health, healthcare, business, education, and emergency management in addition to federal and nonfederal entities necessary to facilitate an effective and efficient return to routine delivery of services. 6.800000191 7.36 6.16 AK 5.2
7 49.0 2018 ARP Subdomain Active CPE ARP Children & Other At-Risk Populations Actions to protect individuals specifically recognized as at-risk in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (i.e., children, senior citizens, and pregnant women), and those who may need additional response assistance including those who have disabilities, live in institutionalized settings, are from diverse cultures, have limited English proficiency (or are non-English-speaking), are transportation disadvantaged, have chronic medical disorders, and have pharmacological dependency; all of whom require additional needs before, during, and after an incident in the functional areas of communication, medical care, maintaining independence, supervision, and transportation. 3.099999905 3.45 2.79 AK 1.8
8 70.0 2018 MVDE Subdomain Active CPE MVDE Management of Volunteers during Emergencies The ability to coordinate the identification, recruitment, registration, credential verification, training, and engagement of healthcare, medical, and support staff volunteers to support the jurisdiction’s response to incidents of health significance 2.599999905 2.97 2.14 AK 1.3
9 91.0 2018 SCC Subdomain Active CPE SCC Social Capital & Cohesion The community social capital that helps society function effectively, including social networks between individuals, neighbors, organizations, and governments, and the degree of connection and sense of “belongingness” among residents. 4.400000095 4.83 4.0 AK 5.800000000000001
10 99.0 2018 IIM Domain Active IIM IIM Incident & Information Management Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety. 8.699999809 8.94 8.52 AK 7.800000000000001
11 100.0 2018 INCM Subdomain Active IIM INCM Incident Management The ability to establish and maintain a unified and coordinated operational structure with processes that appropriately integrate all critical stakeholders and support the execution of core capabilities and incident objectives. This sub-domain includes the capability to direct and support an event or incident with public health or medical implications by establishing a standardized, scalable management system consistent with the National Incident Management System and coordinating activities above the field level by sharing information, developing strategy and tactics, and managing resources to assist with coordination of operations in the field. 7.300000191 7.930000000000001 6.62 AK 4.800000000000001
12 119.0 2018 INFM Subdomain Active IIM INFM Information Management The ability to develop systems and procedures that facilitate the communication of timely, accurate, and accessible information, alerts, warnings, and notifications to the public using a whole-community approach. This sub-domain includes using risk communication methods to support the use of clear, consistent, accessible, and culturally and linguistically appropriate methods to effectively relay information regarding any threat or hazard, the actions taken, and the assistance available. 7.199999809 7.76 6.58 AK 5.6000000000000005
13 126.0 2018 HD Domain Active HD HD Healthcare Delivery Actions to ensure access to high quality medical services across the continuum of care during and after disasters and emergencies. 4.900000095 5.12 4.64 AK 3.8000000000000003
14 137.0 2018 PC Subdomain Active HD PC Prehospital Care Prehospital care is generally provided by emergency medical services (EMS) and, includes 911 and dispatch, emergency medical response, field assessment and care, and transport (usually by ambulance or helicopter) to a hospital and between healthcare facilities. 4.0 4.6000000000000005 3.39 AK 2.9000000000000004
15 138.0 2018 HPS Subdomain Active HD HPS Hospital and Physician Services Hospital and physician services refers to care for a patient who is formally admitted (or “hospitalized”) to an institution for treatment and/or care and stays for a minimum of one night in the hospital or other institution. 5.599999905 5.8100000000000005 5.32 AK 3.6
16 150.0 2018 LTC Subdomain Active HD LTC Long-Term Care Long-term care refers to a continuum of medical and social services designed to support the needs of people living permanently or for an extended period in a residential setting with chronic health problems that affect their ability to perform everyday activities. This includes skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation services, etc. 6.0 6.3500000000000005 5.7 AK 7.1000000000000005
17 171.0 2018 MBH Subdomain Active HD MBH Mental & Behavioral Healthcare Mental and behavioral healthcare is the provision and facilitation of access to medical and mental/behavioral health services including: medical treatment, substance abuse treatment, stress management, and medication with the intent to restore and improve the resilience and sustainability of health, mental and behavioral health, and social services networks. It includes access to information regarding available mass care services for at-risk individuals and the entire affected population. 3.799999952 4.17 3.44 AK 4.0
18 186.0 2018 HC Subdomain Active HD HC Home Care Home care is clinical and nonclinical care that allows a person with special needs to stay in their home. It may also be assumed to include the management of patient care needs for those patients not sick enough to require hospitalization or long-term care, or for whom hospitalization is not deemed to be of benefit. Other examples of home care include, but are not limited to: skilled nursing visits, respiratory care services, provision of durable medical equipment, hospice, and pharmacist services. 6.599999905 6.91 6.23 AK 2.9000000000000004
19 203.0 2018 CM Domain Active CM CM Countermeasure Management Actions to store and deploy medical and pharmaceutical products that prevent and treat the effects of hazardous substances and infectious diseases, including vaccines, prescription drugs, masks, gloves, and medical equipment. 6.5 6.76 6.2 AK 4.5
20 209.0 2018 MMMDD Subdomain Active CM MMMDD Medical Materiel Management, Distribution, & Dispensing The ability to acquire, maintain (e.g., cold chain storage or other storage protocol), transport, distribute, and track medical materiel (e.g., pharmaceuticals, gloves, masks, and ventilators) before and during an incident and recover and account for unused medical materiel after an incident. This capability includes managing the research, development, and procurement of medical countermeasures in addition to the management and distribution of medical countermeasures. 6.5 6.890000000000001 6.05 AK 3.5
21 210.0 2018 CUE Subdomain Active CM CUE Countermeasure Utilization & Effectiveness The level to which the community has achieved preparedness for vaccination and immunization and the level to which the community completes a course of countermeasure usage or follows through in the use of an intervention. This also covers the resultant outcome from the appropriate use of the intervention. 5.0 5.36 4.57 AK 3.5
22 223.0 2018 EOH Domain Active EOH EOH Environmental & Occupational Health Actions to maintain the security and safety of water and food supplies, to test for hazards and contaminants in the environment, and to protect workers and emergency responders from health hazards while on the job. 6.699999809 7.0200000000000005 6.46 AK 6.0
23 230.0 2018 FWS Subdomain Active EOH FWS Food & Water Security The sufficient availability, access, use, and protection of safe and clean food and water resources to support human well-being and health. 8.199999809 8.620000000000001 7.87 AK 6.800000000000001
24 234.0 2018 EM Subdomain Active EOH EM Environmental Monitoring The systematic collection and continuous or frequent standardized measurement and observation of: environmental specimens (air, water, land/soil, and plants) analyzing the presence of an indicator, exposure, or response (warning and control), including monitoring the environment for vectors of disease to give information about the environment to assess past and current status and predict future trends 6.099999905 6.72 5.42 AK 4.0
25 235.0 2018 PEI Subdomain Active EOH PEI Physical Environment and Infrastructure Actions taken to reduce health hazards in the physical environment, including elements of the natural and built environment. 5.900000095 6.49 5.38 AK 6.4
26 248.0 2018 WR Subdomain Active EOH WR Workforce Resiliency Actions taken to protect workers and emergency responders from health hazards while on the job 4.699999809 5.15 4.25 AK 5.0
27 0.0 2017 overall   Active     Overall Index NHSPI Index 6.5 6.67 6.41 AK 5.7
28 1.0 2017 HSS Domain Active HSS HSS Health Security Surveillance Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly. 8.399999619 8.6 8.11 AK 8.8
29 2.0 2017 PHSEI Subdomain Active HSS PHSEI Health Surveillance & Epidemiological Investigation The creation, maintenance, support, and strengthening of passive and active surveillance to: identify, discover, locate, and monitor threats, disease agents, incidents, and outbreaks provide relevant information to stakeholders monitoring/investigating adverse events related to medical countermeasures. The sub-domain includes the ability to successfully expand these systems and processes in response to incidents of health significance. 7.300000191 7.84 6.8100000000000005 AK 8.1
30 16.0 2017 BMLT Subdomain Active HSS BMLT Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing. 8.399999619 8.73 8.120000000000001 AK 8.8
31 39.0 2017 CPE Domain Active CPE CPE Community Planning & Engagement Coordination Actions to develop and maintain supportive relationships among government agencies, community organizations, and individual households; and to develop shared plans for responding to disasters and emergencies. 4.900000095 5.19 4.62 AK 3.9000000000000004
32 40.0 2017 CSCC Subdomain Active CPE CSCC Cross-Sector / Community Collaboration The coordination necessary to engage community-based organizations and social networks through collaboration among agencies primarily responsible for providing direct health-related services; partners include public health, healthcare, business, education, and emergency management in addition to federal and nonfederal entities necessary to facilitate an effective and efficient return to routine delivery of services. 6.699999809 7.3100000000000005 6.13 AK 4.6000000000000005
33 49.0 2017 ARP Subdomain Active CPE ARP Children & Other At-Risk Populations Actions to protect individuals specifically recognized as at-risk in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (i.e., children, senior citizens, and pregnant women), and those who may need additional response assistance including those who have disabilities, live in institutionalized settings, are from diverse cultures, have limited English proficiency (or are non-English-speaking), are transportation disadvantaged, have chronic medical disorders, and have pharmacological dependency; all of whom require additional needs before, during, and after an incident in the functional areas of communication, medical care, maintaining independence, supervision, and transportation. 3.099999905 3.46 2.81 AK 1.9000000000000001
34 70.0 2017 MVDE Subdomain Active CPE MVDE Management of Volunteers during Emergencies The ability to coordinate the identification, recruitment, registration, credential verification, training, and engagement of healthcare, medical, and support staff volunteers to support the jurisdiction’s response to incidents of health significance 2.599999905 3.02 2.19 AK 1.3
35 91.0 2017 SCC Subdomain Active CPE SCC Social Capital & Cohesion The community social capital that helps society function effectively, including social networks between individuals, neighbors, organizations, and governments, and the degree of connection and sense of “belongingness” among residents. 4.400000095 4.83 4.0 AK 5.800000000000001
36 99.0 2017 IIM Domain Active IIM IIM Incident & Information Management Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety. 8.600000381 8.81 8.35 AK 7.7
37 100.0 2017 INCM Subdomain Active IIM INCM Incident Management The ability to establish and maintain a unified and coordinated operational structure with processes that appropriately integrate all critical stakeholders and support the execution of core capabilities and incident objectives. This sub-domain includes the capability to direct and support an event or incident with public health or medical implications by establishing a standardized, scalable management system consistent with the National Incident Management System and coordinating activities above the field level by sharing information, developing strategy and tactics, and managing resources to assist with coordination of operations in the field. 6.800000191 7.53 6.08 AK 4.5
38 119.0 2017 INFM Subdomain Active IIM INFM Information Management The ability to develop systems and procedures that facilitate the communication of timely, accurate, and accessible information, alerts, warnings, and notifications to the public using a whole-community approach. This sub-domain includes using risk communication methods to support the use of clear, consistent, accessible, and culturally and linguistically appropriate methods to effectively relay information regarding any threat or hazard, the actions taken, and the assistance available. 7.0 7.61 6.43 AK 5.6000000000000005
39 126.0 2017 HD Domain Active HD HD Healthcare Delivery Actions to ensure access to high quality medical services across the continuum of care during and after disasters and emergencies. 4.800000191 4.99 4.58 AK 3.9000000000000004
40 137.0 2017 PC Subdomain Active HD PC Prehospital Care Prehospital care is generally provided by emergency medical services (EMS) and, includes 911 and dispatch, emergency medical response, field assessment and care, and transport (usually by ambulance or helicopter) to a hospital and between healthcare facilities. 4.5 5.03 4.05 AK 3.4000000000000004
41 138.0 2017 HPS Subdomain Active HD HPS Hospital and Physician Services Hospital and physician services refers to care for a patient who is formally admitted (or “hospitalized”) to an institution for treatment and/or care and stays for a minimum of one night in the hospital or other institution. 5.400000095 5.62 5.2 AK 4.4
42 150.0 2017 LTC Subdomain Active HD LTC Long-Term Care Long-term care refers to a continuum of medical and social services designed to support the needs of people living permanently or for an extended period in a residential setting with chronic health problems that affect their ability to perform everyday activities. This includes skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation services, etc. 4.300000191 4.71 3.92 AK 7.1000000000000005
43 171.0 2017 MBH Subdomain Active HD MBH Mental & Behavioral Healthcare Mental and behavioral healthcare is the provision and facilitation of access to medical and mental/behavioral health services including: medical treatment, substance abuse treatment, stress management, and medication with the intent to restore and improve the resilience and sustainability of health, mental and behavioral health, and social services networks. It includes access to information regarding available mass care services for at-risk individuals and the entire affected population. 3.700000048 4.07 3.36 AK 3.1
44 186.0 2017 HC Subdomain Active HD HC Home Care Home care is clinical and nonclinical care that allows a person with special needs to stay in their home. It may also be assumed to include the management of patient care needs for those patients not sick enough to require hospitalization or long-term care, or for whom hospitalization is not deemed to be of benefit. Other examples of home care include, but are not limited to: skilled nursing visits, respiratory care services, provision of durable medical equipment, hospice, and pharmacist services. 6.199999809 6.58 5.91 AK 2.6
45 203.0 2017 CM Domain Active CM CM Countermeasure Management Actions to store and deploy medical and pharmaceutical products that prevent and treat the effects of hazardous substances and infectious diseases, including vaccines, prescription drugs, masks, gloves, and medical equipment. 6.0 6.29 5.62 AK 3.5
46 209.0 2017 MMMDD Subdomain Active CM MMMDD Medical Materiel Management, Distribution, & Dispensing The ability to acquire, maintain (e.g., cold chain storage or other storage protocol), transport, distribute, and track medical materiel (e.g., pharmaceuticals, gloves, masks, and ventilators) before and during an incident and recover and account for unused medical materiel after an incident. This capability includes managing the research, development, and procurement of medical countermeasures in addition to the management and distribution of medical countermeasures. 5.099999905 5.59 4.61 AK 2.0
47 210.0 2017 CUE Subdomain Active CM CUE Countermeasure Utilization & Effectiveness The level to which the community has achieved preparedness for vaccination and immunization and the level to which the community completes a course of countermeasure usage or follows through in the use of an intervention. This also covers the resultant outcome from the appropriate use of the intervention. 5.5 5.89 5.03 AK 2.9000000000000004
48 223.0 2017 EOH Domain Active EOH EOH Environmental & Occupational Health Actions to maintain the security and safety of water and food supplies, to test for hazards and contaminants in the environment, and to protect workers and emergency responders from health hazards while on the job. 6.599999905 6.890000000000001 6.32 AK 6.1000000000000005
49 230.0 2017 FWS Subdomain Active EOH FWS Food & Water Security The sufficient availability, access, use, and protection of safe and clean food and water resources to support human well-being and health. 8.300000191 8.620000000000001 7.91 AK 7.0
50 234.0 2017 EM Subdomain Active EOH EM Environmental Monitoring The systematic collection and continuous or frequent standardized measurement and observation of: environmental specimens (air, water, land/soil, and plants) analyzing the presence of an indicator, exposure, or response (warning and control), including monitoring the environment for vectors of disease to give information about the environment to assess past and current status and predict future trends 6.199999809 6.79 5.54 AK 4.1000000000000005
51 235.0 2017 PEI Subdomain Active EOH PEI Physical Environment and Infrastructure Actions taken to reduce health hazards in the physical environment, including elements of the natural and built environment. 5.199999809 5.79 4.61 AK 6.300000000000001
52 248.0 2017 WR Subdomain Active EOH WR Workforce Resiliency Actions taken to protect workers and emergency responders from health hazards while on the job 4.599999905 5.0 4.13 AK 5.4
53 0.0 2016 overall   Active     Overall Index NHSPI Index 6.400000095 6.53 6.29 AK 5.6000000000000005
54 1.0 2016 HSS Domain Active HSS HSS Health Security Surveillance Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly. 8.199999809 8.42 8.01 AK 8.9
55 2.0 2016 PHSEI Subdomain Active HSS PHSEI Health Surveillance & Epidemiological Investigation The creation, maintenance, support, and strengthening of passive and active surveillance to: identify, discover, locate, and monitor threats, disease agents, incidents, and outbreaks provide relevant information to stakeholders monitoring/investigating adverse events related to medical countermeasures. The sub-domain includes the ability to successfully expand these systems and processes in response to incidents of health significance. 6.900000095 7.4 6.43 AK 8.3
56 16.0 2016 BMLT Subdomain Active HSS BMLT Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing. 8.5 8.75 8.2 AK 8.8
57 39.0 2016 CPE Domain Active CPE CPE Community Planning & Engagement Coordination Actions to develop and maintain supportive relationships among government agencies, community organizations, and individual households; and to develop shared plans for responding to disasters and emergencies. 4.599999905 4.94 4.3500000000000005 AK 3.6
58 40.0 2016 CSCC Subdomain Active CPE CSCC Cross-Sector / Community Collaboration The coordination necessary to engage community-based organizations and social networks through collaboration among agencies primarily responsible for providing direct health-related services; partners include public health, healthcare, business, education, and emergency management in addition to federal and nonfederal entities necessary to facilitate an effective and efficient return to routine delivery of services. 6.099999905 6.72 5.5 AK 4.3
59 49.0 2016 ARP Subdomain Active CPE ARP Children & Other At-Risk Populations Actions to protect individuals specifically recognized as at-risk in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (i.e., children, senior citizens, and pregnant women), and those who may need additional response assistance including those who have disabilities, live in institutionalized settings, are from diverse cultures, have limited English proficiency (or are non-English-speaking), are transportation disadvantaged, have chronic medical disorders, and have pharmacological dependency; all of whom require additional needs before, during, and after an incident in the functional areas of communication, medical care, maintaining independence, supervision, and transportation. 3.200000048 3.5300000000000002 2.83 AK 2.1
60 70.0 2016 MVDE Subdomain Active CPE MVDE Management of Volunteers during Emergencies The ability to coordinate the identification, recruitment, registration, credential verification, training, and engagement of healthcare, medical, and support staff volunteers to support the jurisdiction’s response to incidents of health significance 2.700000048 3.19 2.22 AK 1.3
61 91.0 2016 SCC Subdomain Active CPE SCC Social Capital & Cohesion The community social capital that helps society function effectively, including social networks between individuals, neighbors, organizations, and governments, and the degree of connection and sense of “belongingness” among residents. 4.0 4.34 3.56 AK 4.6000000000000005
62 99.0 2016 IIM Domain Active IIM IIM Incident & Information Management Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety. 8.399999619 8.64 8.22 AK 7.6000000000000005
63 100.0 2016 INCM Subdomain Active IIM INCM Incident Management The ability to establish and maintain a unified and coordinated operational structure with processes that appropriately integrate all critical stakeholders and support the execution of core capabilities and incident objectives. This sub-domain includes the capability to direct and support an event or incident with public health or medical implications by establishing a standardized, scalable management system consistent with the National Incident Management System and coordinating activities above the field level by sharing information, developing strategy and tactics, and managing resources to assist with coordination of operations in the field. 6.699999809 7.41 6.09 AK 4.7
64 119.0 2016 INFM Subdomain Active IIM INFM Information Management The ability to develop systems and procedures that facilitate the communication of timely, accurate, and accessible information, alerts, warnings, and notifications to the public using a whole-community approach. This sub-domain includes using risk communication methods to support the use of clear, consistent, accessible, and culturally and linguistically appropriate methods to effectively relay information regarding any threat or hazard, the actions taken, and the assistance available. 6.300000191 6.92 5.75 AK 5.0
65 126.0 2016 HD Domain Active HD HD Healthcare Delivery Actions to ensure access to high quality medical services across the continuum of care during and after disasters and emergencies. 4.699999809 4.93 4.51 AK 3.6
66 137.0 2016 PC Subdomain Active HD PC Prehospital Care Prehospital care is generally provided by emergency medical services (EMS) and, includes 911 and dispatch, emergency medical response, field assessment and care, and transport (usually by ambulance or helicopter) to a hospital and between healthcare facilities. 4.400000095 4.84 3.94 AK 3.8000000000000003
67 138.0 2016 HPS Subdomain Active HD HPS Hospital and Physician Services Hospital and physician services refers to care for a patient who is formally admitted (or “hospitalized”) to an institution for treatment and/or care and stays for a minimum of one night in the hospital or other institution. 5.199999809 5.41 4.92 AK 3.7
68 150.0 2016 LTC Subdomain Active HD LTC Long-Term Care Long-term care refers to a continuum of medical and social services designed to support the needs of people living permanently or for an extended period in a residential setting with chronic health problems that affect their ability to perform everyday activities. This includes skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation services, etc. 4.400000095 4.74 4.03 AK 5.300000000000001
69 171.0 2016 MBH Subdomain Active HD MBH Mental & Behavioral Healthcare Mental and behavioral healthcare is the provision and facilitation of access to medical and mental/behavioral health services including: medical treatment, substance abuse treatment, stress management, and medication with the intent to restore and improve the resilience and sustainability of health, mental and behavioral health, and social services networks. It includes access to information regarding available mass care services for at-risk individuals and the entire affected population. 4.300000191 4.67 3.86 AK 3.4000000000000004
70 186.0 2016 HC Subdomain Active HD HC Home Care Home care is clinical and nonclinical care that allows a person with special needs to stay in their home. It may also be assumed to include the management of patient care needs for those patients not sick enough to require hospitalization or long-term care, or for whom hospitalization is not deemed to be of benefit. Other examples of home care include, but are not limited to: skilled nursing visits, respiratory care services, provision of durable medical equipment, hospice, and pharmacist services. 5.599999905 6.01 5.28 AK 1.6
71 203.0 2016 CM Domain Active CM CM Countermeasure Management Actions to store and deploy medical and pharmaceutical products that prevent and treat the effects of hazardous substances and infectious diseases, including vaccines, prescription drugs, masks, gloves, and medical equipment. 5.800000191 6.16 5.53 AK 3.3000000000000003
72 209.0 2016 MMMDD Subdomain Active CM MMMDD Medical Materiel Management, Distribution, & Dispensing The ability to acquire, maintain (e.g., cold chain storage or other storage protocol), transport, distribute, and track medical materiel (e.g., pharmaceuticals, gloves, masks, and ventilators) before and during an incident and recover and account for unused medical materiel after an incident. This capability includes managing the research, development, and procurement of medical countermeasures in addition to the management and distribution of medical countermeasures. 5.0 5.45 4.51 AK 2.2
73 210.0 2016 CUE Subdomain Active CM CUE Countermeasure Utilization & Effectiveness The level to which the community has achieved preparedness for vaccination and immunization and the level to which the community completes a course of countermeasure usage or follows through in the use of an intervention. This also covers the resultant outcome from the appropriate use of the intervention. 5.300000191 5.78 4.91 AK 2.2
74 223.0 2016 EOH Domain Active EOH EOH Environmental & Occupational Health Actions to maintain the security and safety of water and food supplies, to test for hazards and contaminants in the environment, and to protect workers and emergency responders from health hazards while on the job. 6.5 6.79 6.22 AK 6.1000000000000005
75 230.0 2016 FWS Subdomain Active EOH FWS Food & Water Security The sufficient availability, access, use, and protection of safe and clean food and water resources to support human well-being and health. 8.100000381 8.47 7.71 AK 7.2
76 234.0 2016 EM Subdomain Active EOH EM Environmental Monitoring The systematic collection and continuous or frequent standardized measurement and observation of: environmental specimens (air, water, land/soil, and plants) analyzing the presence of an indicator, exposure, or response (warning and control), including monitoring the environment for vectors of disease to give information about the environment to assess past and current status and predict future trends 6.199999809 6.78 5.53 AK 4.1000000000000005
77 235.0 2016 PEI Subdomain Active EOH PEI Physical Environment and Infrastructure Actions taken to reduce health hazards in the physical environment, including elements of the natural and built environment. 5.199999809 5.78 4.61 AK 6.300000000000001
78 248.0 2016 WR Subdomain Active EOH WR Workforce Resiliency Actions taken to protect workers and emergency responders from health hazards while on the job 4.400000095 4.78 3.93 AK 5.1000000000000005
79 0.0 2015 overall   Active     Overall Index NHSPI Index 6.199999809 6.32 6.05 AK 5.2
80 1.0 2015 HSS Domain Active HSS HSS Health Security Surveillance Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly. 8.0 8.23 7.73 AK 8.3
81 2.0 2015 PHSEI Subdomain Active HSS PHSEI Health Surveillance & Epidemiological Investigation The creation, maintenance, support, and strengthening of passive and active surveillance to: identify, discover, locate, and monitor threats, disease agents, incidents, and outbreaks provide relevant information to stakeholders monitoring/investigating adverse events related to medical countermeasures. The sub-domain includes the ability to successfully expand these systems and processes in response to incidents of health significance. 7.0 7.5600000000000005 6.45 AK 8.1
82 16.0 2015 BMLT Subdomain Active HSS BMLT Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing. 7.800000191 8.08 7.47 AK 7.5
83 39.0 2015 CPE Domain Active CPE CPE Community Planning & Engagement Coordination Actions to develop and maintain supportive relationships among government agencies, community organizations, and individual households; and to develop shared plans for responding to disasters and emergencies. 4.199999809 4.53 3.92 AK 3.5
84 40.0 2015 CSCC Subdomain Active CPE CSCC Cross-Sector / Community Collaboration The coordination necessary to engage community-based organizations and social networks through collaboration among agencies primarily responsible for providing direct health-related services; partners include public health, healthcare, business, education, and emergency management in addition to federal and nonfederal entities necessary to facilitate an effective and efficient return to routine delivery of services. 5.599999905 6.25 4.94 AK 3.9000000000000004
85 49.0 2015 ARP Subdomain Active CPE ARP Children & Other At-Risk Populations Actions to protect individuals specifically recognized as at-risk in the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (i.e., children, senior citizens, and pregnant women), and those who may need additional response assistance including those who have disabilities, live in institutionalized settings, are from diverse cultures, have limited English proficiency (or are non-English-speaking), are transportation disadvantaged, have chronic medical disorders, and have pharmacological dependency; all of whom require additional needs before, during, and after an incident in the functional areas of communication, medical care, maintaining independence, supervision, and transportation. 3.099999905 3.46 2.81 AK 2.0
86 70.0 2015 MVDE Subdomain Active CPE MVDE Management of Volunteers during Emergencies The ability to coordinate the identification, recruitment, registration, credential verification, training, and engagement of healthcare, medical, and support staff volunteers to support the jurisdiction’s response to incidents of health significance 2.700000048 3.18 2.18 AK 1.7000000000000002
87 91.0 2015 SCC Subdomain Active CPE SCC Social Capital & Cohesion The community social capital that helps society function effectively, including social networks between individuals, neighbors, organizations, and governments, and the degree of connection and sense of “belongingness” among residents. 2.599999905 3.0300000000000002 2.15 AK 4.4
88 99.0 2015 IIM Domain Active IIM IIM Incident & Information Management Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety. 8.300000191 8.52 8.03 AK 7.4
89 100.0 2015 INCM Subdomain Active IIM INCM Incident Management The ability to establish and maintain a unified and coordinated operational structure with processes that appropriately integrate all critical stakeholders and support the execution of core capabilities and incident objectives. This sub-domain includes the capability to direct and support an event or incident with public health or medical implications by establishing a standardized, scalable management system consistent with the National Incident Management System and coordinating activities above the field level by sharing information, developing strategy and tactics, and managing resources to assist with coordination of operations in the field. 6.800000191 7.53 6.04 AK 4.3
90 119.0 2015 INFM Subdomain Active IIM INFM Information Management The ability to develop systems and procedures that facilitate the communication of timely, accurate, and accessible information, alerts, warnings, and notifications to the public using a whole-community approach. This sub-domain includes using risk communication methods to support the use of clear, consistent, accessible, and culturally and linguistically appropriate methods to effectively relay information regarding any threat or hazard, the actions taken, and the assistance available. 5.5 6.0200000000000005 4.91 AK 4.4
91 126.0 2015 HD Domain Active HD HD Healthcare Delivery Actions to ensure access to high quality medical services across the continuum of care during and after disasters and emergencies. 4.599999905 4.8100000000000005 4.43 AK 3.4000000000000004
92 137.0 2015 PC Subdomain Active HD PC Prehospital Care Prehospital care is generally provided by emergency medical services (EMS) and, includes 911 and dispatch, emergency medical response, field assessment and care, and transport (usually by ambulance or helicopter) to a hospital and between healthcare facilities. 4.300000191 4.69 3.93 AK 3.7
93 138.0 2015 HPS Subdomain Active HD HPS Hospital and Physician Services Hospital and physician services refers to care for a patient who is formally admitted (or “hospitalized”) to an institution for treatment and/or care and stays for a minimum of one night in the hospital or other institution. 5.0 5.19 4.79 AK 3.5
94 150.0 2015 LTC Subdomain Active HD LTC Long-Term Care Long-term care refers to a continuum of medical and social services designed to support the needs of people living permanently or for an extended period in a residential setting with chronic health problems that affect their ability to perform everyday activities. This includes skilled nursing facilities, rehabilitation services, etc. 4.300000191 4.65 3.97 AK 4.800000000000001
95 171.0 2015 MBH Subdomain Active HD MBH Mental & Behavioral Healthcare Mental and behavioral healthcare is the provision and facilitation of access to medical and mental/behavioral health services including: medical treatment, substance abuse treatment, stress management, and medication with the intent to restore and improve the resilience and sustainability of health, mental and behavioral health, and social services networks. It includes access to information regarding available mass care services for at-risk individuals and the entire affected population. 4.300000191 4.75 3.94 AK 2.7
96 186.0 2015 HC Subdomain Active HD HC Home Care Home care is clinical and nonclinical care that allows a person with special needs to stay in their home. It may also be assumed to include the management of patient care needs for those patients not sick enough to require hospitalization or long-term care, or for whom hospitalization is not deemed to be of benefit. Other examples of home care include, but are not limited to: skilled nursing visits, respiratory care services, provision of durable medical equipment, hospice, and pharmacist services. 5.300000191 5.63 4.88 AK 2.3000000000000003
97 203.0 2015 CM Domain Active CM CM Countermeasure Management Actions to store and deploy medical and pharmaceutical products that prevent and treat the effects of hazardous substances and infectious diseases, including vaccines, prescription drugs, masks, gloves, and medical equipment. 5.800000191 6.140000000000001 5.47 AK 3.5
98 209.0 2015 MMMDD Subdomain Active CM MMMDD Medical Materiel Management, Distribution, & Dispensing The ability to acquire, maintain (e.g., cold chain storage or other storage protocol), transport, distribute, and track medical materiel (e.g., pharmaceuticals, gloves, masks, and ventilators) before and during an incident and recover and account for unused medical materiel after an incident. This capability includes managing the research, development, and procurement of medical countermeasures in addition to the management and distribution of medical countermeasures. 4.800000191 5.34 4.32 AK 1.8
99 210.0 2015 CUE Subdomain Active CM CUE Countermeasure Utilization & Effectiveness The level to which the community has achieved preparedness for vaccination and immunization and the level to which the community completes a course of countermeasure usage or follows through in the use of an intervention. This also covers the resultant outcome from the appropriate use of the intervention. 5.400000095 5.86 5.04 AK 3.2
100 223.0 2015 EOH Domain Active EOH EOH Environmental & Occupational Health Actions to maintain the security and safety of water and food supplies, to test for hazards and contaminants in the environment, and to protect workers and emergency responders from health hazards while on the job. 6.199999809 6.46 5.8500000000000005 AK 4.6000000000000005

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CREATE TABLE [NHSPI_domains_subdomains] (
   [obsid] TEXT,
   [Year] INTEGER,
   [Item Name] TEXT,
   [Item Type] TEXT,
   [Item Status] TEXT,
   [Relevant Domain] TEXT,
   [Relevant Subdomain] TEXT,
   [Item  Name] TEXT,
   [Item Description] TEXT,
   [National_score] TEXT,
   [Upper CI] TEXT,
   [Lower CI] TEXT,
   [State] TEXT,
   [State_score] TEXT