states_info: 46

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rowid state notes covid19Site covid19SiteSecondary covid19SiteTertiary covid19SiteQuaternary covid19SiteQuinary covid19SiteOld covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField totalTestResultsField name fips pui pum
46 SD On July 27, 2020, **Negative PCR tests** decreased by 148 for unclear reasons.On August 27, the South Dakota Department of Health included cases from August 25 and 26 in their update due to a reporting aberration, resulting in a 343 case increase. They have provided historical case counts, and we are working to backfill our data.As of September 18, 2020, South Dakota's total test results are drawn from our `totalTestsPeopleViral` field instead of calculated via positive+negative. People totalTestsPeopleViral Total PCR Tests (People) South Dakota 46   false