states_info: 44
rowid | state | notes | covid19Site | covid19SiteSecondary | covid19SiteTertiary | covid19SiteQuaternary | covid19SiteQuinary | covid19SiteOld | covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits | covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField | totalTestResultsField | name | fips | pui | pum | |
44 | RI | Rhode Island combines PCR and antigen tests in the total tests figure reported on the state's dashboard.As of August 17, 2020, our **Total tests** metrics include Rhode Island's **Total tests (in test encounters)**.On September 25, 2020, Rhode Island removed 240 duplicate cases from its case count, resulting in a drop from 24,311 cases to 24,181. | | | | @rihealth | | Encounters | totalTestEncountersViral | Total Test Encounters (PCR) | Rhode Island | 44 | false |