states_info: 32

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rowid state notes covid19Site covid19SiteSecondary covid19SiteTertiary covid19SiteQuaternary covid19SiteQuinary covid19SiteOld covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField totalTestResultsField name fips pui pum
32 ND On May 3, 2020, North Dakota began reporting two additional **death** metrics: deaths of people with lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 whose death records are still pending and deaths of people with lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 whose death certificates do not list COVID-19 as a cause of death. As of July 1, 2020, we have edited our historical figures to exclude these numbers from our death counts, resulting in an apparent drop from 24 deaths on May 2 to 16 on May 3. On August 19, 2020, North Dakota launched a new dashboard with a number of new data points, including race and ethnicity data and ICU data. On September 9, 2020, North Dakota began reporting “Susceptible Encounters” on its dashboard, which are defined as test encounters excluding those who have tested positive after the first time. We have begun recording the value in our **Total PCR tests (test encounters)** field.As of September 11, 2020, North Dakota’s total test results reflect total test encounters. The number of unique people tested is available in our API as `totalTestsPeopleViral`. Encounters totalTestEncountersViral Total Test Encounters (PCR) North Dakota 38   false