states_info: 16

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rowid state notes covid19Site covid19SiteSecondary covid19SiteTertiary covid19SiteQuaternary covid19SiteQuinary covid19SiteOld covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField totalTestResultsField name fips pui pum
16 ID As of April 9, 2020, Idaho reports **probable and confirmed cases** separately. On June 5, 2020, Idaho reported a large batch of previously unreported tests. The state's **Total tests** number rose by approximately 2,500 more tests on June 5 than the seven-day average for new tests at that time.On July 3, 2020, Idaho revised down their **Recovered** data by about 1,500, noting that "an error in auto-calculation was discovered."On July 8, 2020, Idaho revised its historical numers for **Hospitalized now**. We updated our hospitalization figures for Idaho from March 23 to July 13, 2020 to match on July 17, 2020.From July 13 through July 21, 2020, Idaho was unable to report **Hospitalized now** data due to HHS regulation changes. Idaho retroactively made figures available for these days on July 21, 2020, and we revised our figures to match.On July 22, 2020, Idaho reported 126 total **deaths** but also reported 103 lab-confirmed deaths and 33 probable deaths, for a calculated total of 136 deaths. We treated the 33 probable deaths data point as an error and reported 126 total deaths for this date, including 103 confirmed and 23 probable deaths. See Idaho state page screenshots for July 22. On August 4, 2020, after another period of missing data for **Hospitalized now**, Idaho reported current hospitalizations of 106, down from the previous report of 223 on July 31. It reported a similar drop in ICU patients from 51 on July 31 to 22 on August 4.As of September 18, 2020, Idaho's total test results are drawn from our `totalTestsViral` field instead of calculated via positive+negative.Negative test results reported in our API and CSVs are calculated by subtracting **Positive PCR tests (people)** from **Total PCR tests (specimens)** in the absence of better data. Specimens totalTestsViral Total Tests (PCR) Idaho 16   false