capitol_arrests_012220-010521: 18

U.S. Capitol Police Reports parsed from PDF files by Andrew Ba Tran of the Washington Post. This data and original PDF files also located at This data is published under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license

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rowid incident_id individual_charge date time narrative pdf multiple_suspects
18 201211001409 armed carjacking 12/11/20 21:42 R/O observed an individual matching the description of a Suspect involved in an attempted robbery and armed carjacking in the 400 block of Fourth Street, SE. R/O located and detained the Suspect without incident. A show-up resulted in a positive identification. The Suspect was placed under arrest and transported to Headquarters for processing. CSS responded and processed the scene. CIS responded and will continue to investigate. Arrest%20Summary%2012-10-20_12-16-20.pdf FALSE