us_daily: 331

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

This data as json, copyable

rowid date states positive negative pending hospitalizedCurrently hospitalizedCumulative inIcuCurrently inIcuCumulative onVentilatorCurrently onVentilatorCumulative dateChecked death hospitalized totalTestResults lastModified recovered total posNeg deathIncrease hospitalizedIncrease negativeIncrease positiveIncrease totalTestResultsIncrease hash
331 20200405 56 342040 957204 17303 32180 45661 5811 609 650 39 2020-04-05T24:00:00Z 10618 45661 1935431 2020-04-05T24:00:00Z   0 0 1342 3953 62346 25910 122955 d2d326443706be0d7e09066aebf7e98cdf9e0aa4