us_daily: 276

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

This data as json, copyable

rowid date states positive negative pending hospitalizedCurrently hospitalizedCumulative inIcuCurrently inIcuCumulative onVentilatorCurrently onVentilatorCumulative dateChecked death hospitalized totalTestResults lastModified recovered total posNeg deathIncrease hospitalizedIncrease negativeIncrease positiveIncrease totalTestResultsIncrease hash
276 20200530 56 1769702 8381808 1668 35759 206942 7960 8305 4008 698 2020-05-30T24:00:00Z 100125 206942 17769032 2020-05-30T24:00:00Z   0 0 923 1421 232004 23596 456057 b1e43c684389a280343e6f093e697ead1fce9704