states_info: 18

Data provided by Big Local News and snapshotted daily from the COVID19 Tracker,

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rowid state notes covid19Site covid19SiteSecondary covid19SiteTertiary covid19SiteQuaternary covid19SiteQuinary covid19SiteOld covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestUnits covidTrackingProjectPreferredTotalTestField totalTestResultsField pui pum name fips
18 IN Indiana combines PCR and antigen tests in the total tests figure reported on the state's dashboard.Negative test results reported in our API and CSVs are calculated by subtracting **Total cases** from **Total PCR tests (people)** in the absence of better data.On February 26, 2021, Indiana announced that due to a historic load of negative tests, 663 older Total PCR tests (people) and 2150 Total PCR tests (specimens) would be included in their data for the day.On February 4, 2021, Indiana announced that their deaths included “1,507 historical deaths identified through an audit of 2020 and 2021 COVID death records and test results”. As a result, the majority of new Deaths (confirmed + probable) and Deaths (confirmed) reported on February 4, 2021 were not reported in the previous 24 hours. We urge caution when looking at this figure.On January 5, 2021, Indiana’s Currently in ICU decreased by 9 without explanation.On November 29, 2020, Indiana announced that a historical backlog of roughly 2200 Total PCR tests (people) and about 4000 Total PCR tests (specimens) would be included in their data for November 29, 2020. The `Negative` field in the API will also be affected. As a result, new tests reported on November 29, 2020 were not all reported in the previous 24 hour period.As of October 16, 2020, Indiana’s total test results are drawn from our totalTestsViral field instead of calculated via positive+negative. Specimens totalTestsViral Total Tests (PCR) Only positives false Indiana 18