california_warn_expanded_2020-03-16: 12
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | name | address | city | num_employees_affected | layoff_date | union | union_rep_info | local_workforce_investment_area | date_notice_received | layoff_or_closure | severance | bumping_rights | jobs |
12 | Allergan, Inc. | ['2525 Dupont Drive', ' Irvine', ', CA', ' 92612'] | Irvine | 129 | 10/31/14 | No | Orange County Community Services Agency, Special P | 9/3/14 | Layoff | Employer did not State | No | {'Analy, Financial': 1, 'Analy, Sr Mktg Rsrch': 1, 'Assist, Administrative': 1, 'Assist, Patent': 1, 'Assoc, Princ GHOSR': 5, 'Attorney': 1, 'Attorney, Sr': 1, 'Consultant, Recruiting': 1, 'Dir, CMC Team Leader - Biologi': 1, 'Dir, Corp Compliance': 1, 'Dir, Global Strategic Mktg': 1, 'Dir, HR': 1, 'Dir, Mktg': 1, 'Dir, Process Chemistry': 1, 'Dir, QA': 1, 'Dir, Scientific Ops': 1, 'Dir, Sr Global Strategic Mktg': 1, 'Dir, Sr Mktg Rsrch': 1, 'Dir, Sr Third Party Mfg': 1, 'Dir, Talent Acquisition': 1, 'Investigator, Rsrch': 5, 'Investigator, Rsrch Biology': 4, 'Investigator, Rsrch Chemistry': 2, 'Investigator, Rsrch Tox': 1, 'Investigator, Sr Rsrch': 2, 'Investigator, Sr Rsrch Biology': 3, 'Investigator, Sr Rsrch Chemist': 1, 'Mgr, Dept Lab Animal Sciences': 1, 'Mgr, Sales Comm': 1, 'Mgr, Sr Admin Svcs and Corp Secu': 1, 'Mgr, Sr Compliance Monitoring': 1, 'Mgr, Sr Product': 2, 'Paralegal': 1, 'Paralegal, Assoc': 1, 'Professional': 1, 'Professional, Assoc': 1, 'Professional, Assoc Biology': 1, 'Professional, Sr': 2, 'Professional, Sr Biology': 10, 'Professional, Sr Chemistry': 2, 'Professional, Sr Lab Animal Sc': 1, 'Professional, Sr Pathology': 1, 'Professional, Sr Pharm Sci': 1, 'Professional, Tox': 1, 'Scientist': 3, 'Scientist, Biology': 19, 'Scientist, Chemistry': 4, 'Scientist, Princ Biology': 3, 'Scientist, Princ Chemistry': 2, 'Scientist, Princ Tox': 1, 'Scientist, Sr': 3, 'Scientist, Sr Biology': 4, 'Scientist, Sr Pharmacokinetics': 1, 'Secretary, Executive': 2, 'Tech, Laboratory': 3, 'Tech, Sr Laboratory': 1, 'Veterinarian, Clin': 2, 'VP, Assist General Counsel': 1, 'VP, Bio Science': 2, 'VP, Global Comp and Benefits': 1, 'VP, HR': 1, 'VP, Preclinical Safety Science': 1, 'VP, Sales and Mktg': 1, 'VP, Sales and Mktg - Managed Mar': 1, 'VP, Sr Commercial Operations': 1, 'VP, Sr New Business Integratio': 1, None: None} |