rowid,obsid,Year,Item Name,Item Type,Item Status,Relevant Domain,Relevant Subdomain,Item Name,Item Description,National_score,Upper CI,Lower CI,State,State_score 4,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,AK,8.8 28,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,AK,8.8 30,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,AK,8.8 62,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,AK,7.6000000000000005 160,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,AL,9.3 184,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,AL,8.6 186,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,AL,9.0 218,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,AL,7.7 316,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,AR,7.800000000000001 340,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,AR,8.3 342,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,AR,7.9 374,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,AR,8.4 472,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,AZ,9.1 496,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,AZ,7.800000000000001 498,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,AZ,9.0 530,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,AZ,8.8 628,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,CA,7.800000000000001 652,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,CA,8.3 654,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,CA,8.3 686,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,CA,8.8 784,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,CO,9.0 808,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,CO,8.200000000000001 810,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,CO,9.1 842,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,CO,8.1 940,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,CT,8.9 964,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,CT,7.300000000000001 966,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,CT,8.3 998,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,CT,8.700000000000001 1096,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,DC,8.3 1120,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,DC,7.4 1122,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,DC,7.5 1154,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,DC,8.4 1252,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,DE,7.2 1276,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,DE,8.700000000000001 1278,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,DE,8.0 1310,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,DE,7.6000000000000005 1408,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,FL,9.3 1432,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,FL,8.9 1434,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,FL,8.700000000000001 1466,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,FL,8.4 1564,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,GA,7.1000000000000005 1588,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,GA,8.3 1590,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,GA,8.200000000000001 1622,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,GA,8.0 1720,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,HI,8.4 1744,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,HI,7.9 1746,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,HI,8.200000000000001 1778,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,HI,7.7 1876,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,IA,8.9 1900,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,IA,8.5 1902,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,IA,9.0 1934,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,IA,9.200000000000001 2032,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,ID,7.5 2056,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,ID,8.1 2058,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,ID,8.1 2090,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,ID,8.1 2188,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,IL,7.800000000000001 2212,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,IL,8.700000000000001 2214,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,IL,7.9 2246,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,IL,8.9 2344,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,IN,9.0 2368,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,IN,9.0 2370,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,IN,9.1 2402,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,IN,8.0 2500,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,KS,7.800000000000001 2524,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,KS,7.800000000000001 2526,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,KS,7.800000000000001 2558,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,KS,8.5 2656,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,KY,7.7 2680,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,KY,8.8 2682,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,KY,8.5 2714,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,KY,9.5 2812,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,LA,7.4 2836,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,LA,7.800000000000001 2838,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,LA,7.2 2870,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,LA,8.3 2968,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,MA,9.3 2992,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,MA,9.600000000000001 2994,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,MA,9.3 3026,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,MA,8.200000000000001 3124,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,MD,8.9 3148,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,MD,9.3 3150,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,MD,9.0 3182,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,MD,9.0 3280,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,ME,6.4 3304,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,ME,7.800000000000001 3306,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,ME,7.4 3338,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,ME,8.9 3436,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,MI,9.5 3460,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,MI,9.4 3462,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,MI,10.0 3494,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,MI,8.200000000000001 3592,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,MN,9.600000000000001 3616,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,MN,8.5 3618,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,MN,9.600000000000001 3650,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,MN,7.7 3748,16.0,2018,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.69,8.05,MO,9.0 3772,1.0,2017,HSS,Domain,Active,HSS,HSS,Health Security Surveillance ,"Actions to monitor and detect health threats, and to identify where hazards start and spread so that they can be contained rapidly.",8.399999619,8.6,8.11,MO,9.1 3774,16.0,2017,BMLT,Subdomain,Active,HSS,BMLT,Biological Monitoring & Laboratory Testing ,"The ability of agencies to conduct rapid and accurate laboratory tests to identify biological, chemical, and radiological agents to address actual or potential exposure to all hazards, focusing on testing human and animal clinical specimens. Support functions include discovery through: active and passive surveillance (both pre- and post-event), characterization, confirmatory testing data, reporting investigative support, ongoing situational awareness. Laboratory quality systems are maintained through external quality assurance and proficiency testing.",8.399999619,8.73,8.120000000000001,MO,8.8 3806,99.0,2016,IIM,Domain,Active,IIM,IIM,Incident & Information Management,"Actions to deploy people, supplies, money and information to the locations where they are most effective in protecting health and safety.",8.399999619,8.64,8.22,MO,8.5