rowid hospital_name address city state zip_code county_name phone_number hospital_type hospital_ownership emergency_services lat lng geocode_flag geocode_accuracy countyfips statefips statecountyfips cbsacode csatitle centraloutlyingcounty countyequivalent hosp_lookup_url PRVDR_NUM RPT_REC_NUM filed_date fy_end_date acute_beds icu_beds coronary_beds burn_beds surg_icu_beds oth_spec_beds subtotal_acute_beds subprovider_ipf_beds subprovider_irf_beds subprovider_oth_beds skilled_nursing_beds nursing_fac_beds oth_longterm_beds hospice_beds all_beds 71 HOWARD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL 2041 GEORGIA AVE NW WASHINGTON DC 20060 THE DISTRICT (202) 745-6100 Acute Care Hospitals Voluntary non-profit - Other TRUE 38.9170110 -77.0218960 0 1 11 11001 47900 Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA Central District of Columbia 90003 660921 2019-12-02 2019-06-30 164 36 200 200