Data provided via a collaboration between The Accountability Project and Big Local News. This project provides and joins datasets pertinent to the COVID-19 pandemic: hospital location and number of beds by type, county-level population estimates by age (which can be linked to hospital data) and nursing home location and capacity. See README for additional information.

Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette

Custom SQL query


statecountyfips, geo_display, est2018_all, est2018_0to4, est2018_5to9, est2018_10to14, est2018_15to19, est2018_20to24, est2018_25to29...

3,142 rows


hospital_name, address, city, state, zip_code, county_name, phone_number, hospital_type, hospital_ownership...

4,766 rows


address, lat, lng, geocode_flag, geocode_accuracy, prvdr_nmbr, prvdr_nm, prvdr_add, prvdr_city...

15,450 rows

Download SQLite DB: COVID_HospitalBeds_CountyDemographics_NursingHomes.db 11.4 MB