cms_UT: 69
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
69 | HARRISON POINTE HEALTHCARE AND REHABILITATION | 465009 | 3430 HARRISON BOULEVARD | OGDEN | UT | 84403 | 2017-06-22 | 248 | E | 0 | 1 | WP7B11 | **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on observation, interview and record review it was determined that the facility did not provide activities, based on the comprehensive assessment and care plan and the preferences of each resident, an ongoing program to support residents in their choices of activities, both facility-sponsored group and individual activities and independent activities, designed to meet the interests of and support the physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each resident, encouraging both independence and interaction in the community for 5 of 25 sample residents. Specifically, residents complained that activities did not meet their needs and there were no activities on the weekends to meet their needs. Resident identifiers: 29, 38, 53, 55 and 56. Findings include: 1. The facility activities calendar for (MONTH) (YEAR) was reviewed and revealed the following scheduled activities for 6/19/17 through 6/22/17. a. 6/18/17:10:30 AM LDS Services 2:00 PM Therapy Animals b. 6/19/17: 10:30 AM Exercise 12:00 AM, Reminiscing 3:00 PM Prize Bingo c. 6/20/17: 10:00 AM Horse Races 12:00 AM Trivia 2:00 PM Resident Council 7:00 PM Baptist Bible Study d. 6/21/17: Use Your Noodle Day!!! 10:00 AM Movie Channel 3 Ocean's Eleven 10:30 AM LDS Services 12:00 PM Sensory Hand Washing 3:00 PM Reading outdoors e. 6/22/17: 9:30 AM Exercise Group 10:00 AM Catholic Service 10:30 AM Music & Motion with Marsha 12:00 PM Time Slips 2:00 PM Van Outing f. 6/23/17: 10:30 AM Yardzee 12:00 PM Current Events 4:00 PM Violin Students 4:00 PM LDS Missionaries 7:00 PM Bingo g. 6/24/17: 10:30 Baptist Service 12:00 PM Music Reminiscing 2:00 Root Beer Float Social (Note: There are 2 scheduled evening activities on Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM and Friday nights at 7:00 PM. Tuesday nights were scheduled for a religious event. The scheduled activities on Sundays were LDS services and Therapy Animals.) On 6/19/17 at 12:00 PM, an observation was made of the Reminiscing activity. The activity was completed by 12:22 PM. On 6/20/17 at 11:00 AM, an observation was made of a music activity that was not scheduled. The facility staff were observed to do a signing activity with the residents in the main dining room. The activity was completed within 10 minutes. 2. Resident 29 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. On 6/20/17 at 9:30 AM, an interview was conducted with resident 29. Resident 29 stated that there were not enough staff and that the facility did not offer enough activities. On 6/21/17 at 10:33 AM, a follow up interview was conducted with resident 29. Resident 29 stated that the activities were not very good since the Activities Director (AD) also became the Dietary Manager (DM). Resident 29 stated that the activities were kind of a joke. Resident 29 stated that the bingo on Friday nights was not good and the prize was a small piece of candy. Resident 29 stated that there were no weekend activities and it was boring. Resident 29 was observed to be given a pool styrofoam noodle and instructed that he could hit staff below the waste with the noodle. Resident 29 took the pool noodle and rolled his eyes. Resident 29 stated, These are childish games and I don't like them. Resident 29 stated that resident council did not have regular meetings and that there was not a resident council meeting in April. Resident 29's medical record was reviewed on 6/21/17. A significant change Minimum Data Set ((MDS) dated [DATE] revealed that it was Very Important to read books, newspapers, listen to music and getting outside. The MDS revealed that being around pets, keeping up with the news and doing things with groups were Not very important. The MDS revealed that religious activities were Not important at all. A care plan dated 12/17/15 and revised on 9/5/16 revealed a Focus of I, (Resident 29) exhibit independence in leisure activities manifested by my ability to structure my own time; my ability to choose group activities of interest; I have independent hobbies/interests; I need reminders; I prefer independent leisure; I have little interest/pleasure in doing things. One of the goals developed was, I will attend at least: 1 social activity per week to increase in sense of community as evidenced by building meaningful relationships with peers during activities; 1 emotional activity per week for increase in interest/pleasure in doing things as evidenced by participating in activities of interest; 90 days. Some of the interventions developed were, Invite and involve me in my activities of importance/interest including: Pet visits/therapy, music, TV/Movies, helping others, crafts, outside, socials, Catholic services, trip and Monitor for satisfaction with my leisure choices. An activity note dated 6/19/17 revealed, Continue care plan. An activity assessment dated [DATE] revealed (Resident 29) exhibits independence in leisure activities manifested by ability to structure own time; ability to choose group activities of interest; has independent hobbies/interests; needs reminders; prefers independent leisure; has little interest/pleasure in doing things. The assessment further revealed, (Resident 29) is maintaining highest level of independence possible as evidenced by making choices about and participating in activities of importance/interest daily. It was documented, (Resident 29) attends bingo per week for increase in sense of community; poem building and service projects for increase in interest/pleasure in doing things. Upon quarterly review (resident 29) is currently following plan of care. No changes at this time. 3. Resident 38 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. On 6/19/17 at 12:26 PM, an interview was conducted with resident 38. Resident 38 stated that she was not aware of any evening activities. Resident 38's medical record was reviewed on 6/21/17. An annual MDS dated [DATE] revealed that pets and being outside were very important to resident 38. The MDS further revealed that having books, newspapers and magazines to read, listening to music, group activities, keeping up with the news and religious services were not important at all for resident 38. A care plan dated 12/4/15 and updated on 12/17/16 revealed a Focus of I (resident 38) exhibit alteration in my thought process manifested by my: cognitive impairment; I need prompts/cues to choose activities; I have problems with coping; [MEDICAL CONDITION], anxiety; I need help structuring my own time; I need one step directions; I need reminders and/or assistance to/from activities. One of the goals developed was, I will attend at least; 1 cognitive activity per week for retention of cognitive abilities as evidenced by memory recall during activities; 2 social activities per week for increase in sense of community as evidenced by participating in group activities of interest; 1 emotional activity per week for increase in interest/pleasure in doing things as evidenced by participating in activities of interest; 1 spiritual activity per week for increase in coping skills as evidenced by attending spiritual activities (times) 90 days. Some of the developed interventions were, Invite and involve me in my activities of importance/interest including: LDS services, music, socials, pet therapy/visits, outside, Bingo, helping others, reading, gardening, games, cards, flowers, trips, exercise. (Note: The MDS revealed that religious services were not important at all but the care plan revealed that they were going to invite and involve her in LDS services.) An activity note dated 6/19/17 revealed, Continue care plan. An activity note dated 12/17/16 revealed, . Social and Emotional Barriers to leisure: Problems with coping. Leisure Skills: Has sufficient leisure skills and interests. Has appropriate materials and resources to participate in leisure.Resident is able to identify and participate in activities of importance.Alteration in Thought Process care plan will focus on involving resident in activities of importance, pain management, and retention of cognitive abilities. A quarterly Activities Evaluation dated 3/28/17 and was locked by staff on 6/15/17 reveled, Upon quarterly review (resident 38) is currently following plan of care with assistance from staff. No changes at this time. 4. Resident 55 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. On 6/19/17 at 1:19 PM, an interview was conducted with resident 55. Resident 55 stated that she was not aware of activities in the evening and on the weekends. Resident 55's medical record was reviewed on 6/21/17. An annual MDS dated [DATE] revealed that it was very important for resident 55 to interact with pets and go outside. The MDS further revealed religious services were somewhat important to her. The MDS revealed that keeping up with the news, listening to music, and reading books, magazines and news papers were Not very important. A care plan dated 6/19/17 revealed, (Resident 55) exhibits independence in leisure activities manifested by the ability to structure own time; ability to choose group activities of interest; has independent hobbies/interest; Poor health/pain limits activity involvement; needs assistance to/from activities; often fatigued from treatments; has little interest/pleasure in doing things. One of the goals developed was, Will attend at least: 1 social activity per week for increase in sense of community as evidenced by participating in group activities of interest (times) 90 days. Some of the interventions developed were, Invite and involve me in my activities of importance/interest including: music, pet visits, games, outdoors, socials, Bingo, shopping, Fishing, cooking. An Activity - Admission Evaluation dated 4/26/17 revealed, Resident is independent in choosing activities and leisure items of interest. An activities note dated 6/19/17 revealed, .Resident is able to identify and participate in activities of importance. impaired mobility, pain, and fatigue are potential barriers to leisure participation.Independent Leisure Focus care plan will focus on involving resident in activities of importance, increase in self esteem, pain management, and supporting self-directed leisure choices. 5. Resident 53 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] and readmitted [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. On 6/19/17 at 2:34 PM, an interview was conducted with resident 53. Resident 53 stated she feels like there are not enough activities provided for residents at the facility. Resident 53 medical record was reviewed on 6/21/17. An admission MDS dated [DATE] revealed that books, newspapers, magazines to read, listen to music, be around pets, go outside, and religious practices were very important to resident 53. Resident 53 felt that keeping up with news and doing activities with groups of people were somewhat important. A care plan dated 4/6/17 had a Focus of, (Resident 53) exhibits independence in leisure activities manifested by the ability to structure own time; ability to choose group activities of interest; has independent hobbies/interest; has a disinterest in group activities; prefers to spend time with family/friends; Poor health/pain limits activity involvement; needs assistance to/from activities; often fatigued from treatments; has difficulties managing mood at times. A goal developed was, Will accept at least 1:1 visit per week for encouragement and socialization (for) 90 days. Some interventions developed were, Invite and involve me in my activities of importance. interest including: puzzles, TV/movies, music, news, pet visits, LDS services, bingo, knitting/crochet, reading, outdoors and Supply me with independent leisure activities. An Activity - Admission Evaluation dated 3/24/17 revealed resident 53's Assessed needs were, Encourage resident to attend activities in facility. An activity note dated 4/6/17, Resident is able to identify and participate in activities of importance. Impaired mobility, mood, pain, and fatigue are potential barriers to leisure participation. The Care Plan Focus revealed, Independent Leisure Focus care plan will focus on involving resident in activities of importance, increase in self esteem, pain management, and supporting self-directed leisure choices. 6. Resident 56 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. On 6/19/17 at 3:00 PM, an interview was conducted with resident 56. Resident 56 stated there were no activities on the weekends and that he was really board. Resident 56's medical record was reviewed on 6/21/17. An admission MDS dated [DATE] revealed that listening to music, pets, keeping up with the news, going outside and religious services were Very Important to resident 56. Resident 56 felt that being in activities with groups of people were Somewhat Important. An Activity - Admission Evaluation dated 2/5/17 revealed, Resident is independent in choosing activities and leisure items of interest. Would like reminders of current activities. An activities note dated 2/23/17 revealed, .Analysis of Findings: Resident is able to identify and participate in activities of importance. Impaired mobility, mood, pain, and fatigue are potential barriers to leisure participation. Care Plan Focus: Independent Leisure Focus care plan will focus on involving resident in activities of importance, increase in self esteem, pain management, and supporting self directed leisure choices. 7. The Resident Council Minutes were reviewed and revealed the following: a. 2/28/17, Activities: Announced of new Activities Director to start by the end of next week. More church services. Meeting other people. b. 3/21/17, Activities: Announced that (Name of staff member) will be taking activities. c. 5/5/17, Activities: Announced that (Name of staff member) will start back being the TRT (Therapeutic Recreational Therapist) in activities. d. 5/23/17, No concerns On 6/22/17 at 11:45 AM, an interview was conducted with the facility Activities Director (AD). The AD stated that the weekend activities were relaxing. The AD stated that the church volunteers passed out games and puzzles on Sunday for residents. The AD stated that she recently was changed back to the AD and was also the facility Dietary Manager. The AD stated that residents were assessed upon admission and quarterly for activities. The AD stated that residents had not had any complaints about the activities. The AD stated that the last AD did not have a resident council meeting in (MONTH) so there were 2 meetings in May. | 2020-09-01 |