cms_UT: 63
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
63 | MT OLYMPUS REHABILITATION CENTER | 465006 | 2200 EAST 3300 SOUTH | SALT LAKE CITY | UT | 84109 | 2019-05-23 | 761 | D | 0 | 1 | PDL911 | **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on observation and interview it was determined that the facility did not ensure safe and secure storage of drugs and biologicals in accordance with accepted professional principles; or include the appropriate accessory and cautionary instructions, and the expiration date on the medication. Specifically, a multi-dose vial of insulin was expired and available for use and administered to the resident. In addition, a resident was observed to have 2 medication cups on the bedside table with pills in the cups. Resident identifiers: 25 and 27. Findings include: 1. On [DATE] at 8:49 AM, an interview was conducted with resident 27. Resident 27 was observed to have two medication cups on his bed side table with pills in the cups. Resident 27 stated that the nursing staff always leave his medications on the bedside table. Resident 27 stated that he does not like the staff standing over him while he takes his medications. On [DATE] at 8:03 AM, an interview was conducted with Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) 2. LPN 2 stated that if a resident had medications left at the bed side it should be on the resident's care plan. LPN 2 stated that there were not any residents on her hall that self administer medications or that can have there medications at the bedside. LPN 2 stated that resident 27 was very particular about his medications and he was aware of what medications he takes. On [DATE] at 8:49 AM, an interview was conducted with the Director of Nursing (DON). The DON stated that if a resident request to self administer medications they should have an assessment and a physician's orders [REDACTED]. The DON stated that the staff should notify the Physician regarding the resident request and what medications the resident will be self administering. The DON stated that she would prefer that the nursing staff not leave any medications at the residents bed side. (Note: A physician's orders [REDACTED].) 2. On [DATE] at 7:38 AM, the medication cart on the Ensign Peak Hall was inspected. There was a multi-dose vial of [MEDICATION NAME]100 units/milliliter with an open date of [DATE]. The medication was available for use. (Note: The [MEDICATION NAME] was to be discarded on [DATE].) An immediate interview was conducted with LPN 1. LPN 1 stated that once a multi-dose vial was opened it would be discarded in approximately 4 weeks. LPN 1 stated that the expired [MEDICATION NAME]was administered to resident 25 during the morning medication administration prior to this surveyor identifying that it was expired. On [DATE] at 11:16 AM, an interview was conducted with the DON. The DON stated that multi-dose vials should be discarded after 28 days of opening. The DON stated that she would go around every morning and talk with the nurses and remind them to check there medication carts for expired medication. | 2020-09-01 |