cms_UT: 31
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
31 | HERITAGE PARK HEALTHCARE AND REHABILITATION | 465003 | 2700 WEST 5600 SOUTH | ROY | UT | 84067 | 2016-08-18 | 364 | D | 0 | 1 | AV3G11 | Based on observation and interview, the facility did not provide food that was palatable, attractive and at the proper temperature. Specifically, a resident voiced a concern with the food quality of the pureed meals and a test tray revealed that the pureed food served was not palatable. Additionally, food was not served according to the menu. Resident identifiers: 50, 71, 108, and 179. Findings include: 1. On 8/16/16 at 12:08 PM, resident 71's lunch tray was observed. Resident 71's tray appeared to contain approximately 1 cup scoop of a thick white substance covered in gravy, approximately 1/4 cup of a thin white substance, and 1/4 cup of a pureed green vegetable. The two smaller portions did not hold their shape and spread into each other. On 8/16/16 at 12:10 PM, an interview was conducted with resident 179. Resident 179 had finished less than half of her pureed lunch and was eating gelatin. Resident 179 stated that the food had no flavor, she could not eat it and the bread was just sopping wet. Resident 179 further stated that she didn't think a dog would eat it. 2. During breakfast service on 8/17/16, the pureed meal consisted of pureed oatmeal, pureed eggs, and pureed sausage with gravy over a slurried (milk soaked) biscuit. Resident 50 received a pureed tray, and there was no gravy observed on resident 50's biscuit. Resident 108 received a pureed tray, and there was no gravy observed on resident 108's biscuit. On 8/17/16 at 8:22 AM, a tray was prepared for resident 71. A certified nurses assistant checked resident 71's meal card and asked dietary staff member (DSM) 1 if it was supposed to have gravy. DSM 1 stated that it should get gravy but she was waiting on a spoodle. DSM 1 had asked another staff member for a spoodle, and held resident 71's tray until she got a spoodle for gravy. On 8/17/16 at 8:27 AM, an interview was conducted with DSM 1. DSM 1 stated that some of the previously delivered puree trays were sent out without gravy because she did not have a spoodle to serve the gravy. DSM 1 stated that gravy would need to be sent to those residents who had not received it. 3. On 8/17/16 lunch service was observed for c hall and the special needs unit. For residents with a regular diet order, between 2 and 5 meatballs were observed to be served on the trays. The menu revealed that residents with a regular diet order should have received a 4 oz serving of meatballs. On 8/17/16 at 2:06 PM, an interview was conducted with dietary manager (DM) 2. DM 2 stated that the meatballs were 1 oz each and a 4 oz serving would have contained 4 meatballs. On 8/17/16 at 12:12 PM, a fortified puree tray was observed. The fortified plate was squirted with butter. The butter pooled in spots within the spaghetti and green beans. On 8/17/16 at 12:30 PM, a pureed test tray was received. The following observations were made of each food item on the test tray: a. Pureed garlic bread: lukewarm slurried bread soaked in milk, no flavor or seasoning, parts of the bread were still dry and did not easily break apart. b. Pureed green beans: a small green dollop, encompassed by the spaghetti sauce; smooth texture, no flavor or seasoning. c. Pureed spaghetti noodles with pureed meatballs and spaghetti sauce: marinara sauce was flavorful, however did not mix well with the salty instant mashed potatoes used for spaghetti noodles. On 8/17/16 at 2:06 PM, an interview was conducted with DM 2. DM 2 stated that the staff had attempted to prepare pureed spaghetti for lunch but the consistency was not right so mashed potatoes were served instead. DM 2 stated that they had a new product coming in to replace the slurried bread products. | 2020-09-01 |