cms_TN: 33

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
33 ASBURY PLACE AT MARYVILLE 445017 2648 SEVIERVILLE RD MARYVILLE TN 37804 2018-08-20 677 G 0 1 Q9H011 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on medical record review, observation and interview, the facility failed to provide assistance with activities of daily living for dependent residents by failure to provide bathing assistance for 1 resident (#53), and failure to provide timely incontinence care and toileting for 2 residents (#80 and #89) of 52 residents sampled. This failure resulted in Harm for Resident #80 and Resident #89. The findings include: Medical record review revealed Resident #53 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Review of the quarterly care plan updated on 5/30/18 revealed self-care deficit .Extensive assistance required with bathing .Scheduled shower days: Tuesday and Friday AM .2 Times Weekly Starting 06/23/2016 .Staff to ask (Resident #53) Every other day if she would like a bath .Active (Current) . Review of the quarterly Minimum Data Set ((MDS) dated [DATE] revealed the resident had a Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) score of 15 indicating the resident was cognitively intact. Continued review revealed the resident required 2 person assistance with bed mobility and toileting and 1 person assistance with dressing, hygiene, and bathing. Medical record review of the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Verification Worksheet revealed from 7/10/18 through 7/18/18, revealed Resident #53 received 1 shower. Interview with Resident #53 on 8/13/18 at 11:08 AM, in the resident's room, revealed the resident did not receive a shower .last week at all not Tuesday or Friday they told me they were short staffed .it has happened before .not enough of them . Continued interview revealed .I was supposed to get a shower twice a week . Interview with Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) #3 on 8/15/18 at 9:25 AM, in the 2 South Dining room, revealed the facility did not always have enough help to take care of the residents. Further interview revealed there have been times residents have not received showers and missed a shower day that resulted in the residents receiving only 1 shower per week .Our Kiosk that we document in does not differentiate in partial showers, bed baths, showers or whatever it just says bathing and we mark that no matter what we do but that does not mean that a .shower is done .but it looks like it . Interview with Household CNA Coordinator #1 (a CNA also) on 8/15/18 at 9:40 AM, in the 2 south dining room revealed there are .call offs and have lost some employees and do not always have enough staff to take care of the residents about 2-3 days out of the week . Further interview revealed there had been times the residents had not received showers because of staffing . Interview with CNA #4 on 8/15/18 at 9:56 AM, in the 2 south dining room, confirmed .not always enough staff to meet the needs of the residents .it upsets me .we are understaffed, I can't do my job the way I would like . Continued interview revealed .It's that way almost every day just 2 of us . Interview with LPN #2 on 8/15/18 at 10:05 AM, in the 2 south den area, revealed there was not always enough staff to meet the needs of the residents .like today the person I was working with put her notice in so there is only 1 nurse, the weekends there are not enough CNA's, last Sunday there was only 1 nurse and 2 CNA's .there have been times the residents have not received a shower due to staffing . Interview with LPN #1 on 8/18/18 at 9:12 AM, on the 2 south hallway, confirmed there .is never enough staff .recently had a set back with a CNA getting fired, a nurse quit, a CNA quit .they haven't been replaced .I have reported to the Director of Nursing (DON) and the Administrator . Medical record review revealed Resident #89 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Medical record review of the MDS 14 day assessment dated [DATE] revealed Resident #89 had an indwelling catheter and was frequently incontinent of bowel. Medical record review of the unscheduled MDS assessment dated [DATE] revealed the Resident # 89's BIMS score was 15, indicating the resident was cognitively intact. Continued review of the MDS revealed the resident was extensive 2 person assist for bed mobility, transfers, and toileting. Interview with Resident #89 on 8/14/18 at 9:47 AM in the resident's room, confirmed .They are real short on day shift. I have called out because I need the bed pan and they did not get to me for a while and I had an accident on myself. It made me feel shamed . Interview with the DON on 8/20/18 at 3:11 PM in the conference room, confirmed .she (Resident #89) was not treated with respect and dignity . Medical record review revealed Resident #80 was admitted to the facility on [DATE] with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Medical record review of the significant change MDS dated [DATE] revealed the resident was moderately cognitively impaired. Continued review revealed Resident #80 required 1 person assist for bed mobility, locomotion on unit, eating, toileting, dressing and hygiene. Continued review revealed Resident #80 was always incontinent of urine and bowel and was not managed on a bowel and bladder incontinence program. Medical record review of the quarterly care plan, undated, revealed the resident was always incontinent .nursing to check every 2 hours and change if wet/soiled and clean skin with mild soap and water .apply moisture barrier . Continued review revealed Bowel Continence: incontinent of bowel movement .check for incontinence .every 2 hours .clean and dry skin if wet or soiled . Further review revealed a self-care deficit with extensive assistance required with bathing, hygiene, dressing and grooming with goal .will be odor free . Medical record review of the ADL (Activities of Daily Living) Verification Worksheet revealed Resident #80 was provided incontinence care on 8/13/18 at 12:54 AM with the next incontinence care documented on 8/13/18 at 6:40 PM at time lapse of 17 hours and 46 minutes. Observation of Resident #80 on 8/13/18 at 10:48 AM, in the 2 South dining room, revealed the resident with front of pants and around perineal area wet. Observation of Resident #80 on 8/13/18 at 11:59 AM, in the dining room, revealed the resident with front of pants and around perineal area wet and had a strong urine odor. Observation of Resident #80 on 8/13/18 at 4:03 PM, in the resident's room, revealed the resident sitting in a wheelchair in his room. Continued observation revealed Resident #80's pants and the bottom front of his shirt were wet and soiled with a brown and dark yellow ring at the bottom of the shirt and had a strong urine odor. Interview with LPN #1 on 8/13/18 at 4:06 PM, in the resident's room, confirmed the resident's pants and shirt were wet with urine and he was in need of incontinence care. Continued interview revealed the last time resident had been provided incontinence care or toileted was unknown. Further interview confirmed the resident had a strong odor of urine. Interview with the DON on 8/15/18 at 3:50 PM, in the conference room, confirmed a resident wet with urine and with a strong odor of urine, sitting in the dining room area, could be offensive to other residents and could result in feelings of embarrassment for the resident. 2020-09-01