cms_PR: 53
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
53 | DAMAS HOSPITAL SNF | 405023 | 2213 PONCE BY PASS | PONCE | PR | 717 | 2017-05-25 | 441 | F | 0 | 1 | NJQB11 | **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on a standard and extended FOSS survey conducted on ,[DATE], ,[DATE], ,[DATE], and [DATE] for recertification, observational tour, and interviews, and review of policies and procedures (P&P's), it was determined that the facility failed to established an accurate mechanism for preventing, investigating and reporting infection control issues for all residents (R ). (R#1 to R#13) Findings include: 1. During medication pass with registered nurse (RN) (Employee #13) on [DATE] at 9:05 am thru 10:10 am was observed that the RN (Employee #13) poured liquid soap over her dried hands, opened the faucet, and then wet her hands. When finish washing hands the RN (Employee #13) was observed to remove the excess of water by shaking the hands, and then used a paper towel to dry both hands. During review of the Hand Wash P&P's perform on [DATE] at 9:53 am related to the hand wash procedures, establishes the following on item #1 and #6: a. Item #1: Moisten your hands and apply enough soap. b. Item #6: Dry your hands using paper towel. However, the facility failed to ensure that all nursing personnel follow these steps and to follow the hand washing techniques according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2. During medication pass with registered nurse (RN) (Employee #13) on [DATE] at 9:05 am was observed that the RN (Employee #13) discarded [MEDICATION NAME] DM 10ml and Xarelto 10mg tab in the residents room (310B) trash can after the resident referred that he did not wanted the medication because he felt nausea. During interview with the Clinical Nurse Supervisor (Employee #7) on [DATE] at 10:30 am, she stated: The nursing staff should discharge those unused medication on the medication car trash can, to avoid that any disoriented residents can have access to them. 3. During medication pass with registered nurse (RN) (Employee #13) on [DATE] at 9:12 am was observed that the RN (Employee #13) cut a [MEDICATION NAME] 5 mg in half according to physician's orders [REDACTED]. During interview with the Clinical Nurse Supervisor (Employee #7) on [DATE] at 10:30 pm, she stated: When the pharmaceutical department send us a tablet presentation with a different dose we have to cut it. That is not common here; the usual practice is that they have the medications according to the physician's prescription. In case that we would have to cut a pill and the cuter is dirty the nursing staff should clean it. That practice would avoid adverse reactions. 4. During the narcotic medication box with RN (Employee #13) on [DATE] at 3:20 pm was observed two wooden boxes containing the medications. The facility failed to have boxes to maintain the medications in the narcotic box that are made of non-porous and easy to clean and disinfect. 5. During review of the crash cart with Clinical Nursing Supervisor (Employee #7) on [DATE] at 4:35 pm was found that on the top drawer was a Hilo oral/nasal Tracheal Tube Cuffed with an expiration date of ,[DATE] and lot number 0391x. On the first, second, and third drawer of the crash cart was observed dust particles and hairs. During interview with the Clinical Nurse Supervisor (Employee #7) on [DATE] at 4:50 pm, she stated: That expired tracheal tube was not supposed to be there, I will remove it immediately. I will also have this crash cart clean. | 2020-09-01 |