cms_NM: 95
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
95 | RIO RANCHO CENTER | 325033 | 4210 SABANA GRANDE SE | RIO RANCHO | NM | 87124 | 2019-03-07 | 558 | E | 0 | 1 | IVL411 | Based on interview, the facility failed to accommodate for 2 (R #s 6 and 11) of 2 (R #s 6 and 11) residents reviewed for accommodations provided to meet transfer needs requiring assistance with the use of a Hoyer lift (a mechanical device designed to lift residents safely). This deficient practice has the potential to affect residents physical health and comfort levels, by decreasing resident mobility. The findings are: [NAME] On 03/04/19 at 10:31 am, during an interview, R #6 revealed, They have to go all around to find the lift (Hoyer lift) They only have one or two I think .(so) they change my briefs on their schedule. B. On 03/04/19 at 11:37 am, during interview, Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) #2 revealed, We have two of them (Hoyer lifts) we could use more. C. On 03/07/19 at 1:06 pm, during interview, Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) #5 revealed, regarding Hoyer lifts, We don't have enough .it impacts the residents getting up (out of bed). D. On 03/07/19 at 2:25 pm, during interview, the CNE (Center Nurse Executive) revealed, we have about 12 residents on each side that need the Hoyer lifts (~ (approximately)12 residents on the north hall and ~12 residents on the south hall). E. On 03/07/19 at 4:20 pm, during interview, R #11 revealed, I wait all the time, because the Hoyer isn't available .they need another one especially on this hall (South Hall). | 2020-09-01 |