cms_NE: 34

In collaboration with The Seattle Times, Big Local News is providing full-text nursing home deficiencies from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). These files contain the full narrative details of each nursing home deficiency cited regulators. The files include deficiencies from Standard Surveys (routine inspections) and from Complaint Surveys. Complete data begins January 2011 (although some earlier inspections do show up). Individual states are provides as CSV files. A very large (4.5GB) national file is also provided as a zipped archive. New data will be updated on a monthly basis. For additional documentation, please see the README.

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rowid facility_name facility_id address city state zip inspection_date deficiency_tag scope_severity complaint standard eventid inspection_text filedate
34 HOMESTEAD REHABILITATION CENTER 285049 4735 SOUTH 54TH STREET LINCOLN NE 68516 2017-05-04 166 D 1 0 04EU11 **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > LICENSURE REFERENCE NUMBER 175 NAC 12-006.06B Based on record reviews and interviews, the facility failed to resolve grievance / complaints for 1 resident (Resident 603) out of 3 residents sampled. The facility census was 138. Findings are: Review of the undated face sheet for Resident 603 revealed an admission date of [DATE]. Review of the undated face sheet revealed the [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Review of the MDS (Minimum Data Set, a federally mandated comprehensive assessment tool used for care planning) dated 4-11-17 revealed a BIMS (Brief Interview for Mental Status, a brief screening tool that aides in detecting cognitive impairment) score of 15 which indicated Resident 603 was cognitively intact. Resident 603 required extensive assistance of one staff for bed mobility, transfers, dressing, toileting, and bathing. Resident 603 was frequently incontinent of urine. Review of the Grievance Log dated 3-01-16 through 3-30-17 provided by the facility revealed absence of a grievance for Resident 603. Interview via phone on 4-26-17 at 4:35 PM with the Family revealed a grievance was completed on 3-30-17 and the Family handed the grievance to Staff D. The Family never received a response back from the facility since that night for a resolution of the 3 issues the Family had concerns about. Family revealed the 3 issues were. 1) The resident had expressed concern to the staff about wheezing and requested an inhaler to help relieve the resident's lungs wheezing and it took 7 days for any of the staff to believe the resident and obtain the orders and medication from the Physician. 2) The Family had concerns the resident had to sit in incontinent urine for up to 15 minutes on multiple occasions after staff was aware of the situation. 3) The resident was not supposed to be transferring independently but the resident had reported to the Family this had occurred occasionally because staff were not available to transfer the resident. The Family revealed on 3-30-17, Staff D visited with the Family about why the resident had been left in incontinent urine for 15 minutes on 4-30-17 when the Family arrived that day. However, Staff D did not say anything about the why this had occurred on other days, or the other 2 concerns the Family had addressed on the grievance how those were being addressed. Interview on 04-26-17 at 4:45 PM with the DON (Director of Nursing) confirmed the Grievance Log was absent of a grievance for Resident 603. The DON also confirmed the DON was not aware of any grievance that had been filed by any member of Resident 603's family that had not been yet listed on the Grievance Log. The DON also denied knowledge of a grievance that had been personally handed to Staff D the end of (MONTH) by the Family. On 05-04-17 the DON provided a copy of a grievance form on Resident 603 dated 03-30-17 initiated by the Family. Documentation of Facility Follow-Up and Resolution of Grievance/Complaint sections of the form were completed by SS-E (Social Service) dated 04-10-17. Documentation on the grievance addressed the resident being left to sit in incontinent urine on 3-30-17 and an intervention if it should occur in the future. The documentation revealed the reason the resident did not get the medications for 7 days was due to the doctor not getting back to facility's request. The documentation did not reveal a resolution to ensure it would not happen again or to explain why this was acceptable. The documentation did not have when the Family was notified of the information about the medications. The ADM (Administrator) dated the form 05-01-17. Interview on 05-04-17 at 08:30 AM with the ADM revealed the ADM received the grievance form on 05-01-17 and could not explain why it took so long for the ADM to receive it even though the SS dated the form as completed on 04-10-17. The ADM revealed the ADM called the Family and reached a voicemail and left a message 05-01-17. Interview on 05-04-17 at 8:42 with SS-E revealed the facility process for grievances was to respond back to the person who filed the grievance within 1 week with a resolution. The ADM usually also responded back to the person who filed the grievance. SS-E provided the Homestead Care Handbook with the grievance process wrote in it which revealed All grievances/complaints received from Residents, Representatives and Families are addressed. All grievances will be investigated and a response given to the complainant within 5 working days. If longer than 5 days is required, the complainant will be notified. Interview on 05-04-17 at 9:48 AM with SS-F revealed the SS felt the grievance was resolved by Staff D so SS-F completed the form and notified the Family of the resolution. SS-F denied documenting the conversation with the Family of the grievance resolution on the grievance form, Progress Notes, or anywhere else. SS-F denied recalling the details of the conversation. 2020-09-01