cms_ND: 23
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
23 | THE MEADOWS ON UNIVERSITY | 355024 | 1315 S UNIVERSITY DR | FARGO | ND | 58103 | 2019-05-16 | 698 | D | 1 | 1 | FA2L11 | **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > THIS IS A REPEAT DEFICIENCY FROM THE SURVEY COMPLETED ON 06/28/18. Based on observation, record review, review of facility policy, and resident interview, the facility failed to provide care and services for the provision of [MEDICAL TREATMENT] consistent with professional standards of practice for 1 of 3 sampled residents (Resident #16) receiving [MEDICAL TREATMENT]. Failure to assess and monitor the resident's condition and access site after [MEDICAL TREATMENT] and provide ongoing care/monitoring of [MEDICAL TREATMENT] may result in bleeding, loss of access site, or other complications. Findings include: Review of the facility policy titled [MEDICAL CONDITION], Care of a Resident with occurred on 05/16/19. This undated policy stated, Education and training of staff, may include the following as applicable: . The type of assessment data that is to be gathered about the resident's condition on a daily or per shift basis . Signs and symptoms of worsening condition and/or complications of [MEDICAL CONDITIONS] . The care of grafts and fistulas . The resident's comprehensive care plan will reflect the resident's needs related to [MEDICAL CONDITION]/[MEDICAL TREATMENT] care . Review of the facility policy titled [MEDICAL TREATMENT] Access Care occurred on 05/16/19. This undated policy stated, . Care of AVFs and AVGs (Arterio-Venous Fistula and Arterio-Venous Graft) . To prevent infection and/or clotting: a. Keep the access site clean at all times. Check for signs of infection (warmth, redness, tenderness, or [MEDICAL CONDITION]) at the access site when performing routine care and at regular intervals. Do not use the access arm to take blood pressure. Check the color and temperature of the fingers, and the radial pulse of the access arm when performing routine care and at regular intervals. Check the patency of the site at regular intervals. Palpate the site to feel the thrill, or use a stethoscope to hear the whoosh or bruit of blood flow through the access. During an interview on 05/14/19 at 5:15 p.m., Resident #16 stated facility staff do not monitor/assess his [MEDICAL TREATMENT], but the [MEDICAL TREATMENT] staff members do. The resident stated he has had both sites since he came to the facility in (MONTH) 2019. Observation showed a fistula site to his left arm, and a healing central catheter site to his right chest. Review of Resident #16's medical record occurred on all days of survey. [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Record review identified Resident #16 received [MEDICAL TREATMENT] three days per week via central catheter until its discontinuation on 04/30/19. Record review identified Resident #16 received [MEDICAL TREATMENT] via AV fistula on (MONTH) 2, 3, 6, and 15. Resident #16's blood pressure records showed staff took his blood pressure on his left arm (the site of the AV fistula) on eight different occasions since his admission. Review of Resident #16's medical record showed no monitoring or assessment of the [MEDICAL TREATMENT] sites or the resident's condition after [MEDICAL TREATMENT] until 05/15/19, when staff completed a post [MEDICAL TREATMENT] assessment. | 2020-09-01 |