cms_MS: 89
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
89 | THE PILLARS OF BILOXI | 255093 | 2279 ATKINSON ROAD | BILOXI | MS | 39531 | 2019-05-15 | 645 | D | 0 | 1 | 0E0S11 | **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** Based on facility policy review, record reviews, and interview, the facility failed to complete a Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) prior to the resident's admission to a long-term care facility, as required. The facility's failure affected one (1) of five (5) residents reviewed for Pre-Admission Screening applications for long term care, Resident #37. Findings include: Review of a facility policy, titled Physician Certification for Nursing Facility and MI/MR (Mental Illness/Mental [MEDICAL CONDITION]) Screening, dated 9/15/14, revealed, Policy: The Admission Coordinator or designee will obtain a current Medicare certification, Pre-Admission Evaluation PAE (TN) PAS (MS), and PASRR on all Medicare Part A admissions .The Pre-Admissions Evaluation PAE (TN), PAS (MS) and PASRR are to be completed for Medicare A admissions including: a. New/Initial Medicare A admissions. B. Facility long-term care residents with qualifying hospitalization converting to Medicare A admission into facility. Review of Resident #37's undated Face Sheet (a document that contains demographic and [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Resident #37's [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. Further review of Resident #37's electronic record lacked evidence of a PAS being completed for the resident, prior to admission in the long term care facility, as required. On 5/13/19 at 2:44 PM, a copy of the Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) was provided by Medical Records Director with the PAS date of 5/13/19. During an interview on 5/13/19 at 2:55 PM, with the Business Office Manager (BOM), she stated she was responsible for the PAS on the residents. She indicated she had just completed the PAS on 5/13/19. The BOM confirmed this was the first PAS that had been completed for Resident #37. | 2020-09-01 |