cms_AZ: 100
Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette
rowid | facility_name | facility_id | address | city | state | zip | inspection_date | deficiency_tag | scope_severity | complaint | standard | eventid | inspection_text | filedate |
100 | DESERT HAVEN CARE CENTER | 35062 | 2645 EAST THOMAS ROAD | PHOENIX | AZ | 85016 | 2018-03-30 | 608 | D | 1 | 1 | WXKF11 | **NOTE- TERMS IN BRACKETS HAVE BEEN EDITED TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY** > Based on clinical record reviews, staff interviews, facility documentation, and policies and procedures, the facility failed to ensure that staff reported a reasonable suspicion of a crime to law enforcement regarding a resident to resident altercation involving two residents (#49 and #74). Findings include: -Resident #49 was admitted on (MONTH) 19, (YEAR), with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. An annual MDS (Minimum Data Set) assessment dated (MONTH) 21, (YEAR) included a BIMS (Brief Interview for Mental Status) score of 3, which indicated the resident had severe cognitive impairment. -Resident #74 was admitted on (MONTH) 23, 2012, with [DIAGNOSES REDACTED]. An annual MDS assessment dated (MONTH) 27, (YEAR) included the resident had been assessed with [REDACTED]. Review of the facility's investigative documentation revealed that on (MONTH) 20, (YEAR), resident #49 got up from his chair in the dining room and walked over to where resident #74 was seated, and slapped resident #74 on the face. Further review of the facility's investigative documentation revealed that there was no documentation that law enforcement had been notified. An interview was conducted with the DON (Director of Nursing/staff #18) on (MONTH) 27, (YEAR) at 12:42 p.m. Staff #18 stated that he did not call law enforcement, due to the residents' cognitive impairments and that resident #49 was not able to make informed intent to hit resident #74. Staff #18 stated he had informed staff to report to him and that he would make the determination as to whether a call needed to be made to law enforcement. During an interview with a LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse/staff #63) on (MONTH) 27, (YEAR) at 1:24 p.m., staff #63 stated that she had not witnessed the incident, but she did assess the residents and no injuries were found. Staff #63 stated she did not notify law enforcement, as there was no physical injuries and the incident was defused, immediately. Staff #63 stated she had received in-services regarding reporting of witnessed or suspected crimes to law enforcement, but was unsure of the time frames for reporting and thought reporting was only required if there was physical injury or a huge fight or altercation. An interview was conducted with a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant/staff #35) on (MONTH) 27, (YEAR) at 2:00 p.m. Staff #35 stated that on (MONTH) 20, (YEAR) during the breakfast meal, she witnessed resident #49 hit resident #74 in the mouth. Staff #35 stated she reported the incident to the nurse. She said that she thought the incident was physical abuse, but did not call law enforcement. Staff #35 stated that the incident occurred on a behavior unit and hitting was one of resident #49's behaviors. Staff #35 stated she had received yearly in-services regarding the reporting of abuse to law enforcement. Review of the facility's policy regarding Reporting Abuse and Witnessed or Suspected Crimes revealed that it was the responsibility of employees, facility consultants, attending physicians, family members, visitors, etc., to immediately report any incident or suspected incident of neglect or resident abuse, including injuries of unknown source, and theft or misappropriation of resident property, to facility management and all required outside agencies, such as the State Agency and local law enforcement. The policy further included that if staff had reasonable suspicion that a crime had occurred against a person receiving care at this facility, Federal law requires that you report your suspicion directly to both law enforcement and the State Survey Agency. | 2020-09-01 |