Big Local News is collecting and updating WARN (layoff/furlough) notices from state government sites and is processing the data to make it more useable. So far, we are collecting and updating daily or weekly data from 36 states. A federal law -- the WARN Act (Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act) requires companies with more than 100 employees to give 60 days notice of any layoff, closure or furlough and 17 states have their own similar statutes. This data provides much more granularity into the types of jobs being lost and the companies that are furloughing workers, or that plan to close completely. A key note is that "unforeseen business circumstances" can mean that a company doesn't have to provide 60 days notice. For example, California has lifted that level of notice for its state version, or mini-WARN Act. Nonetheless, even though the advance time limit is flexible, companies still have to submit. Please cite the WARN data as collected by Big Local News. California data can be cited as collected and processed by Stanford journalism student Vanessa Ochavillo. This project includes a general README, a more specific README for California and a more specific file layout README that details the fields by state. Some states are missing but we are working to obtain the data or build scrapers. If you are interested in contributing, please let us know at

Data source: Big Local News · About: big-local-datasette

10 rows where LWIB Area = 3

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Suggested facets: Employer Name, City, Zip

Link rowid ▼ url_suffix Employer Name City Zip LWIB Area Notice Date
79 78 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=152&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=A8E2E85E1D6E22F712AC1E589000EA79 Cendant/Avis Rent A Car System, Inc. Drumright 74030 3 09/16/2001
142 141 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=204&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=0BC5A6B6E40878EF57E6911F2567F468 Eaton Corporation Vinita 74301 3 04/07/2006
311 310 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=215&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=777381DF421977C91D82BDAAA7D2900E PW Eagle Shawnee 74804 3 02/02/2006
346 345 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=527&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=F6FB70B6EAF6866CE13B3E042727CF85 Service King Stroud 74079 3 09/09/2015
425 424 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=469&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=12D5AEEF060E79F60B252141C15005F1 UpSource Seminole 74868 3 03/31/2014
433 432 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=115&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=8A1113977BB22A9E799325AE1D0CE5F2 VF Imageware (Wrangler) Okemah 11111 3 01/28/2003
435 434 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=116&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=2C807E1F2B3705DABA87C89E7CCECFCC VF Imagewear (Wrangler) Seminole 11111 3 01/29/2003
436 435 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=87&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=3D432C0E20854E6BA846D5E7709AFE06 VF Imagewear (Wrangler) Seminole 11111 3 07/18/2003
438 437 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=1&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=CEA6D6642DB625C6266C4EE3B74A1F48 VF Jeanswear (Wrangler) Seminole 74868 3 07/28/2003
469 468 mn_warn_dsp.cfm?id=130&callingfile=mn_warn_dsp.cfm&hash=57C8C3B620B35963CBF15D3202259CEA Young America Oklahoma City 73120 3 04/02/2002

Advanced export

JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited

CSV options:

CREATE TABLE [oklahoma_warn_raw] (
   [] INTEGER,
   [url_suffix] TEXT,
   [Employer Name] TEXT,
   [City] TEXT,
   [Zip] INTEGER,
   [Notice Date] TEXT